Shared Governance and Administration
Shared Governance
Illinois State University takes great pride in shared governance. The University recognizes that for the institution to operate effectively the voices of administrators, faculty, staff, and students need to be heard and that optimal solutions often come from the results of these groups collaborating. University governing bodies – Board of Trustees, Academic Senate, Administrative/Professional Council, Civil Service Council, and Student Government Association—represent the constituencies of the University and form the formal structure for shared governance.
Board of Trustees
The governance of Illinois State University is vested by law in the Board of Trustees. Within the limits set by the State Constitution and the federal and state laws, the Board of Trustees is the final authority in all matters affecting the institution, and it exercises jurisdiction over the institution's financial, educational, and other policies and its relation with the state and federal governments.
Academic Senate
The Academic Senate is the primary governing body that recommends educational policy for the University and advises the President on its implementation. Members of the Academic Senate are elected by their constituencies and include faculty, staff, and students.
Administrative/Professional Council
The Administrative/Professional Council serves in an advisory capacity to the administration regarding the general welfare of all Administrative/Professional employees.
Civil Service Council
The Civil Service Council represents civil service employees and related issues to the administration and advises the administration in the formation and implementation of policies and procedures relating to civil service employees.
Student Government Association
The Student Government Association (SGA) is the official student governing body and the student voice within the shared governance process. SGA maintains collaborative relationships with faculty and administrators, providing student perspectives that are considered at all levels of University decision-making.
- Office of the President
- Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
- Vice President for Finance and Planning
- Vice President for Student Affairs
- Vice President for University Advancement